Academic Interests:
- Representation Learning
- Dynamical systems
- Neuroscience
- Complex Systems
Professional Experience:
- ML Engineer at Hexoskin, Montreal: Biosignal processing
- Research collaborations with Prof. Irina Rish and Prof. Guillaume Dumas
- Ex Research assistant at Mila, Sharif University of Technology, and the University of Waterloo
- Teaching assistant for graduate-level courses at UdeM: Towards AGI (by Irina Rish) and Representation Learning (By Aaron Courville)
Research & Publications:
- Generative Models of Brain Dynamics, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 5 (Brain Dynamics and Machine Learning). [2022]
- Generative Models of Brain Dynamics--A review, arXiv preprint. [2021]
- GOKU-UI: Ubiquitous Inference through Attention and Multiple Shooting for Continuous-time Generative Models, arXiv preprint. [2023]
- Poseidon Team Description Paper Robocup. [2010 & 2011]
Awards & Honors:
- Upper Bound Talent Bursary, North America [2023]
- UNIQUE Excellence Scholarships [2023]
- Amii Talent Bursaries [2022]